Jivamukti Immersive Weekend with Tina Pashumati

Tantalus Lodge, Whistler, BC

March 22 - 23, 2025


Both Evenings

March 22nd & March 23rd

Join Senior Jivamukti Teacher, Ashtanga Teacher, Join  Tina Pashumati James for a weekend of practice,Meditation and pranayama, mantra, restorative.

SATURDAY MARCH 22nd | 6pm - 8:30pm

For dedicated practitioners and students seeking balance, this workshop explores generosity as the key to stability. Through Sun Salutations, supportive assists, and Vedic chants, we’ll learn to cultivate steadiness by embracing openness rather than grasping for control.

SUNDAY MARCH 23rd | 6pm - 8:30pm 

An evening of breathwork, shamanic drumming, candlelit restorative yoga, and sacred nature meditation to cultivate balance and ease. Experience the healing power of mantra as Tina shares songs from her upcoming album.

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Saturday, March 22nd

6pm - 8:30pm



For dedicated teachers/practitioners and students wishing to explore balance in the world.

Sun salutations - focus on a set up for success.

Beautiful assists to create balance in our lives.  

The key to balance is generosity. It is our tendency to try to 'hold' our balance that makes it shaky and difficult. This workshop explores the many ways in which we can manage to maintain a generous heart when faced with challenging circumstances.

We begin the journey with the knowledge of where we want to go. 

We will close with some of the vedic chants.

Open to all levels.

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Sunday March 23rd

6pm - 8:30pm



The Psychology of taking control of your mind for a happier, healthier life.

Breath work with shamanic drumming.

Candlelit RestorativeWhat is restored in a yoga practice? It is balance, being at ease and comfortable in your own skin.

Sacred Nature Meditationrestoring our ancient bond with the natural world. Trees vibrate communicating with us and their music.

This enchanting evening will include Tina singing mantras from her up and coming album. 

Open to all levels.
Wear comfortable clothing.

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